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Command-line configuration interface#

Added in version 1.3.0

OctoPrint provides a basic command line interface for manipulation of config.yaml:

$ octoprint config --help
Usage: octoprint config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Basic config manipulation.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  append_value  Appends value to list behind config path.
  effective     Retrieves the full effective config.
  get           Retrieves value from config path.
  insert_value  Inserts value at index of list behind config key.
  remove        Removes a config path.
  remove_value  Removes value from list at config path.
  set           Sets a config path to the provided value.

$ octoprint config append_value --help
Usage: octoprint config append_value [OPTIONS] PATH VALUE

  Appends value to list behind config path.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config effective --help
Usage: octoprint config effective [OPTIONS]

  Retrieves the full effective config.

  --json  Output value formatted as JSON
  --yaml  Output value formatted as YAML
  --raw   Output value as raw string representation
  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config get --help
Usage: octoprint config get [OPTIONS] PATH

  Retrieves value from config path.

  --json  Output value formatted as JSON
  --yaml  Output value formatted as YAML
  --raw   Output value as raw string representation
  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config insert_value --help
Usage: octoprint config insert_value [OPTIONS] PATH INDEX VALUE

  Inserts value at index of list behind config key.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config remove --help
Usage: octoprint config remove [OPTIONS] PATH

  Removes a config path.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config remove_value --help
Usage: octoprint config remove_value [OPTIONS] PATH VALUE

  Removes value from list at config path.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

$ octoprint config set --help
Usage: octoprint config set [OPTIONS] PATH VALUE

  Sets a config path to the provided value.

  --bool   Interpret value as bool
  --float  Interpret value as float
  --int    Interpret value as int
  --json   Parse value from json
  --help   Show this message and exit.