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DevelCacheConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

enabled: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Whether to enable caching. Defaults to true. Setting it to false will cause the UI to always be fully rerendered on request to / on the server.

preemptive: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Whether to enable the preemptive cache.

DevelConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

cache: DevelCacheConfig = DevelCacheConfig() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Settings for OctoPrint's internal caching.

enableCsrfProtection: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable or disable the CSRF protection. Careful, disabling this reduces security.

enableRateLimiter: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable or disable the rate limiter. Careful, disabling this reduces security.

showLoadingAnimation: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable or disable the loading animation.

stylesheet: StylesheetEnum = StylesheetEnum.css class-attribute instance-attribute #

Settings for stylesheet preference. OctoPrint will prefer to use the stylesheet type specified here. Usually (on a production install) that will be the compiled css (default). Developers may specify less here too.

webassets: DevelWebassetsConfig = DevelWebassetsConfig() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Settings for OctoPrint's web asset merging and minifying.

DevelWebassetsConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

bundle: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If set to true, OctoPrint will merge all JS, all CSS and all Less files into one file per type to reduce request count. Setting it to false will load all assets individually. Note: if this is set to false, no minification will take place regardless of the minify setting.

clean_on_startup: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Whether to delete generated web assets on server startup (forcing a regeneration).

minify: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If set to true, OctoPrint will the core and library javascript assets. Note: if bundle is set to false, no minification will take place either.

minify_plugins: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

If set to true, OctoPrint will also minify the third party plugin javascript assets. Note: if bundle or minify are set to false, no minification of the plugin assets will take place either.