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Timelapse(post_roll = 0, fps = 25) #

config_data() #

Override this method to return the current timelapse configuration data. The data should have the following


event_subscriptions() #

Override this method to subscribe to additional events by returning an array of (event, callback) tuples.

Events that are already subscribed
  • PrintStarted - self.onPrintStarted
  • PrintResumed - self.onPrintResumed
  • PrintFailed - self.onPrintDone
  • PrintDone - self.onPrintDone

on_print_done(event, payload) #

Override this to perform additional actions upon the stop of a print job.

on_print_resumed(event, payload) #

Override this to perform additional actions upon the pausing of a print job.

on_print_started(event, payload) #

Override this to perform additional actions upon start of a print job.

TimelapseRenderJob(capture_dir, output_dir, prefix, postfix = None, capture_glob = _capture_glob, capture_format = _capture_format, output_format = _output_format, flipH = False, flipV = False, rotate = False, watermark = False, fps = 25, threads = 1, videocodec = 'mpeg2video', on_start = None, on_success = None, on_fail = None, on_always = None) #

process() #

Processes the job.