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LocalFileStorage(basefolder, create = False, really_universal = False) #

Bases: StorageInterface

The LocalFileStorage is a storage implementation which holds all files, folders and metadata on disk.

Metadata is managed inside .metadata.json files in the respective folders, indexed by the sanitized filenames stored within the folder. Metadata access is managed through an LRU cache to minimize access overhead.

This storage type implements path_on_disk.

Initializes a LocalFileStorage instance under the given basefolder, creating the necessary folder if necessary and create is set to True.


  • basefolder (str) –

    the path to the folder under which to create the storage

  • create (bool) –

    True if the folder should be created if it doesn't exist yet, False otherwise

  • really_universal (bool) –

    True if the file names should be forced to be really universal, False otherwise

sanitize(path) #

Returns a (path, name) tuple derived from the provided path.

path may be: - a storage path - an absolute file system path - a tuple or list containing all individual path elements - a string representation of the path - with or without a file name


For a path without a trailing slash the last part will be considered a file name and hence be returned at second position. If you only need to convert a folder path, be sure to include a trailing slash for a string path or an empty last element for a list path.



  • tuple

    The sanitized path and name

sanitize_name(name) #

Sanitizes the given name using sanitize_filename.

Strips any leading ..


  • name (str) –

    The name to sanitize


  • str

    The sanitized name


sanitize_path(path) #

Sanitizes the given path.

Ensures that the on disk representation of path is located under the configured basefolder. Resolves all relative path elements (e.g. ..) and sanitizes folder names using sanitize_name. The final path is the absolute path, including the leading basefolder path.


  • path (str) –

    The path to sanitize


  • str

    The sanitized path

StorageInterface #

Interface of storage adapters for OctoPrint.

analysis_backlog property #

Get an iterator over all items stored in the storage that need to be analysed by the AnalysisQueue.

The yielded elements are expected as storage specific absolute paths to the respective files. Don't forget to recurse into folders if your storage adapter supports those.


  • iterator

    an iterator yielding all un-analysed files in the storage

add_file(path, file_object, printer_profile = None, links = None, allow_overwrite = False, display = None) #

Adds the file file_object as path


  • path (str) –

    the path of the new file, will be sanitized

  • file_object (object) –

    a file object that provides a save method which will be called with the destination path where the object should then store its contents

  • printer_profile (object) –

    the printer profile associated with this file (if any)

  • links (list) –

    any links to add with the file

  • allow_overwrite (bool) –

    if set to True no error will be raised if the file already exists and the existing file and its metadata will just be silently overwritten

  • display (str) –

    display name of the file


  • str

    the sanitized name of the file to be used for future references to it

add_folder(path, ignore_existing = True, display = None) #

Adds a folder as path

The path will be sanitized.


  • path (str) –

    the path of the new folder

  • ignore_existing (bool) –

    if set to True, no error will be raised if the folder to be added already exists

  • display (str) –

    display name of the folder


  • str

    the sanitized name of the new folder to be used for future references to the folder

Adds a link of relation rel to file path with the given data.

The following relation types are currently supported:

  • model: adds a link to a model from which the file was created/sliced, expected additional data is the name and optionally the hash of the file to link to. If the link can be resolved against another file on the current path, not only will it be added to the links of name but a reverse link of type machinecode referring to name and its hash will also be added to the linked model file
  • machinecode: adds a link to a file containing machine code created from the current file (model), expected additional data is the name and optionally the hash of the file to link to. If the link can be resolved against another file on the current path, not only will it be added to the links of name but a reverse link of type model referring to name and its hash will also be added to the linked model file.
  • web: adds a location on the web associated with this file (e.g. a website where to download a model), expected additional data is a href attribute holding the website's URL and optionally a retrieved attribute describing when the content was retrieved

Note that adding model links to files identifying as models or machinecode links to files identifying as machine code will be refused.


  • path (str) –

    path of the file for which to add a link

  • rel (str) –

    type of relation of the link to add (currently model, machinecode and web are supported)

  • data (dict) –

    additional data of the link to add

canonicalize(path) #

Canonicalizes the given path.

The path may consist of both folder and file name, the underlying implementation must separate those if necessary.

By default, this calls StorageInterface.sanitize, which also takes care of stripping any invalid characters.


  • path (str) –

    the path to canonicalize


  • tuple

    a 2-tuple containing the canonicalized path and file name

copy_file(source, destination) #

Copies the file source to destination


  • source (str) –

    path to the source file

  • destination (str) –

    path to destination


  • str

    the new path in the storage to the copy of the file

copy_folder(source, destination) #

Copies the folder source to destination


  • source (str) –

    path to the source folder

  • destination (str) –

    path to destination


  • str

    the new path in the storage to the copy of the folder

file_exists(path) #

Returns whether the file indicated by path exists or not.


  • path (str) –

    the path to check for existence


  • bool

    True if the file exists, False otherwise

file_in_path(path, filepath) #

Returns whether the file indicated by file is inside path or not.


  • path (str) –

    the path to check

  • filepath (str) –

    path to the file


  • bool

    True if the file is inside the path, False otherwise

folder_exists(path) #

Returns whether the folder indicated by path exists or not.


  • path (str) –

    the path to check for existence


  • bool

    True if the folder exists, False otherwise

get_additional_metadata(path, key) #

Fetches additional metadata at key from the metadata of path.


  • path (str) –

    virtual path to the file for which to fetch additional metadata

  • key (str) –

    key of metadata to fetch

get_metadata(path) #

Retrieves the metadata for the file path.


  • path (str) –

    virtual path to the file for which to retrieve the metadata


  • dict

    the metadata associated with the file

has_analysis(path) #

Returns whether the file at path has been analysed yet


  • path (str) –

    path to the file to check

join_path(*path) #

Join path elements together


  • path (str) –

    the path elements to join


  • str

    joined representation of the path to be usable as fully qualified path for further operations

last_modified(path = None, recursive = False) #

Get the last modification date of the specified path or path's subtree.


  • path (str | None) –

    Path for which to determine the subtree's last modification date. If left out or set to None, defaults to storage root.

  • recursive (bool) –

    Whether to determine only the date of the specified path (False, default) or the whole path's subtree (True).


  • float

    The last modification date of the indicated subtree

list_files(path = None, filter = None, recursive = True, level = 0, force_refresh = False) #

List all files in storage starting at path. If recursive is set to True (the default), also dives into subfolders.

An optional filter function can be supplied which will be called with a file name and file data and which has to return True if the file is to be included in the result or False if not.

The data structure of the returned result will be a dictionary mapping from file names to entry data. File nodes will contain their metadata here, folder nodes will contain their contained files and folders.

    "some_folder": {
        "name": "some_folder",
        "path": "some_folder",
        "type": "folder",
        "children": {
            "some_sub_folder": {
                "name": "some_sub_folder",
                "path": "some_folder/some_sub_folder",
                "type": "folder",
                "typePath": ["folder"],
                "children": { ... }
            "some_file.gcode": {
                "name": "some_file.gcode",
                "path": "some_folder/some_file.gcode",
                "type": "machinecode",
                "typePath": ["machinecode", "gcode"],
                "hash": "<sha1 hash>",
                "links": [ ... ],
    "test.gcode": {
        "name": "test.gcode",
        "path": "test.gcode",
        "type": "machinecode",
        "typePath": ["machinecode", "gcode"],
        "hash": "<sha1 hash>",
        "links": [...],
    "test.stl": {
        "name": "test.stl",
        "path": "test.stl",
        "type": "model",
        "typePath": ["model", "stl"],
        "hash": "<sha1 hash>",
        "links": [...],


  • path (str) –

    base path from which to recursively list all files, optional, if not supplied listing will start from root of base folder

  • filter (function) –

    a filter that matches the files that are to be returned, may be left out in which case no filtering will take place

  • recursive (bool) –

    will also step into sub folders for building the complete list if set to True, otherwise will only do one step down into sub folders to be able to populate the children.


  • dict

    a nested dictionary mapping entry names to entry data that represents the whole file list

move_file(source, destination) #

Moves the file source to destination


  • source (str) –

    path to the source file

  • destination (str) –

    path to destination


  • str

    the new path in the storage to the file

move_folder(source, destination) #

Moves the folder source to destination


  • source (str) –

    path to the source folder

  • destination (str) –

    path to destination


  • str

    the new path in the storage to the folder

path_in_storage(path) #

Retrieves the equivalent in the storage adapter for path.

Opposite of path_on_disk.


  • path (str) –

    the path on disk for which to retrieve the storage path


  • str

    the path in storage to path

path_on_disk(path) #

Retrieves the path on disk for path.


If the storage is not on disk and there exists no path on disk to refer to it, this method should raise an io.UnsupportedOperation

Opposite of path_in_storage.


  • path (str) –

    the virtual path for which to retrieve the path on disk


  • str

    the path on disk to path

remove_additional_metadata(path, key) #

Removes additional metadata under key for name on path


  • path (str) –

    virtual path to the file for which to remove additional metadata

  • key (str) –

    key of metadata to remove

remove_file(path) #

Removes the file at path

Will also take care of deleting the corresponding entries in the metadata and deleting all links pointing to the file.


  • path (str) –

    path of the file to remove

remove_folder(path, recursive = True) #

Removes the folder at path


  • path (str) –

    the path of the folder to remove

  • recursive (bool) –

    if set to True, contained folders and files will also be removed, otherwise an error will be raised if the folder is not empty (apart from any metadata files) when it's to be removed

Removes the link consisting of rel and data from file path.


  • path (str) –

    path of the file from which to remove the link

  • rel (str) –

    type of relation of the link to remove (currently model, machinecode and web are supported)

  • data (dict) –

    additional data of the link to remove, must match existing link

sanitize(path) #

Sanitizes the given path, stripping it of all invalid characters.

The path may consist of both folder and file name, the underlying implementation must separate those if necessary and sanitize individually.


  • path (str) –

    the path to sanitize


  • tuple

    a 2-tuple containing the sanitized path and file name

sanitize_name(name) #

Sanitizes the given file name, stripping it of all invalid characters.


  • name (str) –

    the file name to sanitize


  • str

    the sanitized file name

sanitize_path(path) #

Sanitizes the given folder-only path, stripping it of all invalid characters.


  • path (str) –

    the path to sanitize


  • str

    the sanitized path

set_additional_metadata(path, key, data, overwrite = False, merge = False) #

Adds additional metadata to the metadata of path. Metadata in data will be saved under key.

If overwrite is set and key already exists in path's metadata, the current value will be overwritten.

If merge is set and key already exists and both data and the existing data under key are dictionaries, the two dictionaries will be merged recursively.


  • path (str) –

    virtual path to the file for which to add additional metadata

  • key (str) –

    key of metadata to add

  • data (dict) –

    metadata to add

  • overwrite (bool) –

    if set to True and key already exists, it will be overwritten

  • merge (bool) –

    if set to True and key already exists and both data and the existing data are dictionaries, they will be merged

split_path(path) #

Split path into base directory and file name.


  • path (str) –

    the path to split


  • tuple

    a 2-tuple containing the base directory and file name